Social media is increasingly visual. Fast growing sites like Pinterest, Instagram and Vine are bearing this out. A recent study from the internet marketing team at Hubspot revealed that photos on Facebook produce 53% more Likes than a text only post. Your marketing needs great images and here are 5 photos your social media followers want to see:
1. Themselves
Want guaranteed Likes and Shares? Post pictures of your patients on social media. We all love to see pictures of ourselves and our children, and even though the internet has been around for quite some time, having someone else post our picture still feels like magic. It also shows your patients that you are their fans and that you care about them. Always get permission, of course.
2. You and your staff
Maintaining patient loyalty means that you nurture trust and that you and your staff are likable. Quite simply, if your patients like you (in a very real-world sense of the word), they will generally keep coming back to you. Posting images of your staff is one of the easiest ways that you can help your customers get to know you and your staff.
3. Behind the scenes
Taking pictures of things that patients never see can make your social media followers feel as if they have inside access and that they are part of your group in a special way. Special events, birthdays and celebrations all deserve to be captured and put on social media.
4. Tools of the trade
Much of dentistry is a mystery to most people. You can educate your patients, alleviate fears and show off your expertise by taking photos of some of your tools and explaining how they are used. You obviously want to show off items that are “less intense”, but you will be surprised with how interested your patients are in the technology behind dentistry.
5. After hours
Remember what it was like to see one of your teachers outside of school? For some reason, it’s fascinating to us when we see professionals as real people with real interests and activities. Don’t hesitate to show off your hobbies, vacations, charity work and anything you want people to know about you. Once again, if patients feel like they know you, they are more likely to be loyal to your practice.
Above all else, always post pictures! No social media post should ever be simply text if there is a way to share a photo. And social media is personal. Your followers aren’t following a business…they’re following people.
3 Comments. Leave new
Great article! I definitely think having some personal pictures improves the quality of your social media. Thanks for the post!
Awesome stuff! The more people see happy and smiling patients at the dental office the less people will be scared about seeing their dentist. Keep smiling 🙂
These couldn’t be truer! That personal touch really does the trick.