For pediatric dentists, all Google searches are local searches, meaning that you’re trying to reach people in your community. Social media is a fantastic way to localize your content and reach a local audience. As a member of the community, you are on the ground experiencing your city as a normal resident. By getting into the community and sharing experiences, you are identifying with your patients outside of the office, and connecting the dots for Google as well. Here are three quick ideas to get more attention from locals near your dental practice.
1 – Connect with a local business.
Did you just enjoy some insanely delicious tacos from a local joint? Well post about it and tag that business on your social platform! This is a great way to share your excitement about local food, and by tagging the restaurant you increase your chances at exposing your post to a larger audience.
2 – Use local hashtags.
A local hashtag is an awesome way to share your post with people that are using the same tag. This can help you gain the attention of a new audience, and get new followers that can turn into patients. To find local hashtags, simply perform a Google search for trending hashtags in the city or town where your dental practice resides. For more on how to hashtag, read our post.
3 – Get social, locally.
This will take a bit more legwork, but seek out local opportunities to spread awareness of your practice and personality. Think of holidays that your city may celebrate – July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years – and attend a couple per year. At each celebration, try to post on social media at least once per hour to show how much fun you’re having within your community. Incorporate steps 1 and 2 to really maximize your reach and watch your followers grow from there!
Running out of Social Media Ideas?
Social media can be a time consuming endeavor that takes away valuable time from your patients and in-office operations. Luckily, Smile Savvy posts valuable content for our Ultra Social Media Customers. We also provide our clients with weekly post ideas that they can plug right into whatever social media account they choose, and localize them on their own. Visit our social media page to learn more about the social media services provided by Smile Savvy.