Having a large number of Likes on your Facebook Page can actually damage your social media marketing efforts. When your Page is filled with “low quality” followers, your posts can get diluted and may be displayed less frequently to your followers that are interested in what you have to say.
How the Facebook Newsfeed works:
When a user logs into Facebook, a complex algorithm is used to determine what posts to display in that user’s Newsfeed. Friends and businesses that you frequently engage with by commenting, Liking, or Sharing tend to show up more often on your Newsfeed, while Profiles and Pages that Facebook determines you are less interested in are displayed less often. Facebook looks at the overall total of followers for your Page compared to the percentage of those followers who are engaging in your content in determining how often and how long your posts appear in the Newsfeed.
Avoid “low quality” followers.
- Purchased Likes are generally low quality because they either come from fake accounts, foreign accounts, or are farmed from spam apps. Never buy Likes.
- Likes gained through mass advertising. Unless your Facebook ads and promoted posts are highly targeted to your geographic area and to the specific demographic you are trying to reach, most of the Likes that a dentist will receive from Facebook advertising are not going to yield new patients.
Seek out “high quality” followers.
- Current patients.
- People living in your local area.
- Followers gained organically, because they saw office signage or a post from a friend.
- Followers who have actively engaged with your Page at some point in the past.
Too often, dentists focus on quantity over quality when looking at how effective they are on Facebook. And while tracking Page performance is important, it’s far more beneficial to get real people who are real-world fans of your dental practice to Like you on Facebook. It is easy to forget that the most effective method of growing your online presence is to simply tell people you have one. Remember, the only Likes that truly matter are those bringing new patients or helping to keep the ones you already have.
Find out how Smile Savvy can help your dental practice attract more patience through social media.