On April 21st, Google could penalize your dental practice website if it isn’t mobile-friendly. This is in response to the growing percentage of web traffic that is coming from mobile devices. Google says that this change is expected to affect, “mobile searches in all languages worldwide and have a significant impact in search results.” [1] Smile Savvy has provided more information for what dentists can do to prepare for the upcoming changes.
What Google wants.
First, it’s important to understand that Google isn’t out to get you as a small business owner. As a search engine, Google functions best for its users when it returns the most relevant search results possible. If you search for “inexpensive red shoes”, your search should return websites that actually feature inexpensive red shoes. People searching should get the results they are looking for because Google is designed to serve the needs of its users over the needs of business owners.
But Google doesn’t reveal the exact recipe for what criteria they use to determine what websites appear at the top of search results. Instead, they provide web masters with a list of best practices and general guidelines. It’s up to webmasters to produce quality websites and learn from experience, as well as some trial and error in determining what works best for search engine optimization (SEO).
Why is Google constantly changing?
Unfortunately, webmasters are always trying to find ways to “game the system” by artificially influencing search results and pushing websites that may or may not be relevant. This is often referred to as “black hat” SEO because it gives lower quality websites priority over websites that may benefit users more.
This is one of the primary reasons that Google constantly improves their algorithm, the recipe used to rank websites and return the best results. Websites that don’t play by the rules are punished, often getting negative SEO and sometimes disappearing on search results altogether. Again, Google isn’t trying to punish legitimate and relevant websites; they’re simply trying to provide users with the best search results possible.
Why will Google favor mobile-friendly websites on April 21?
But, Google not only changes their algorithm to combat black hat SEO, sometimes changes in Google searches are a reflection of evolving standards in technology and web design. Google has tremendous influence over website standards, web browser functionality and the transition towards a more mobile web. With 83% of all mobile website traffic coming from Google search[2], Google gets what Google wants.
An announcement from Google this specific is somewhat rare, however. They’re telling webmasters in advance exactly what will produce the best results and what the coming changes mean for websites that refuse to adapt. This is a response to the ever-growing usage of mobile devices as a primary means to connect to the internet. November, 2014 marked the first time that mobile internet use outpaced traffic from desktop devices.[3] Google wants to hold onto their market share by favoring results that show up best on the devices their consumers are using the most.
What can you do to “future-proof” your website?
The bare minimum any dentist should consider to avoid having their website penalized is to be sure that it is mobile friendly. We have a tool you can use to see if your website is ready here, along with next steps to take if you need a little extra help. And while website standards are going to continue to change, your best bet for keeping an up-to-date website over the next three years (our best bet) is to move towards a responsive design. This simply means that your website is designed to adjust pictures, text and graphics to look great regardless of the device they’re being viewed on. The site literally changes its features and appearance based on whatever device your potential patients are using. All of Smile Savvy’s newest Quick Custom websites include responsive design. Please contact us for more information on how we can help. Note: Current Website Customers always receive 20% off the setup fee of a new website.
[1] http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2015/02/finding-more-mobile-friendly-search.html
[2] http://searchengineland.com/googles-search-market-share-67-percent-pc-83-percent-mobile-203937
[3] http://searchenginewatch.com/sew/how-to/2389159/why-mobile-web-still-matters-in-2015