Main Street Children’s Dentistry (name changed to protect the innocent) wanted to grow their Facebook Page by hosting a contest. We walked them through the process of selecting a prize and method of entry and we created custom graphics to place on their social media accounts. There were posts on their Page and printed fliers in their office. At the end of the month the number of entries was tallied. Only one person entered. Why? Because no one on the Main Street staff, or at least those working with the contest, even knew how to log in to Facebook.
Every dental practice needs someone in their office who “gets” social media. Having an internet marketing company like Smile Savvy set up and manage your overall social media presence will help you get started in the right direction and provide regular, consistent content for your patients. But taking everything to the next level means that someone in your office should be involved as well.
Think of it this way: You don’t need to be a mechanic to own a car, but knowing how to put gas in the tank is helpful if you want to keep driving. You don’t need to take a class on vacuum cleaner repair in order to own a vacuum cleaner, but it’s essential to know how to change the bag when it gets full. Likewise, the staff member in charge of your social media doesn’t need to be a tech genius, and they don’t need a marketing degree. That’s what we’re here for. But there are a few key qualities to look for in finding your own in-house social media manager and empowering that person to oversee your social presence. Here is what you need to look for when choosing a team member to manage social media for your dental practice:
Your social media guru needs to be connected themselves. If they’re already on Facebook or other social media, the transition to managing the practice social media accounts will be much easier than if they are starting from scratch. Don’t have that person? Teach someone. Smile Savvy gives each of our social media customers all the tools they need to learn.
This person should have a great sense of humor and be able to represent your practice in a warm, inviting way. Social media is social.
While social media is far more popular among a younger crowd, your guru needs to have the maturity and business sense to know what is appropriate online and what isn’t. This type of “social intelligence” isn’t necessarily based on age. Instead, you want to look for a person with good common sense and an understanding that your practice reputation is of foremost importance. It’s important to select a team member that knows the balance between fun and professionalism.
DON’T micromanage your in-house social media manager. If that person needs to clear every post, comment or response by you, then you either have the wrong person for the job, or you need to do the job yourself. Finding someone you trust means that you are able to give them the freedom to use their own imagination and skills to grow your social media accounts. Instead of previewing everything that goes online, try setting a list of simple guidelines and expectations instead.
It really doesn’t take a large amount of time to have a successful social media presence, but you will need someone who is able to carve out a few minutes each day for the task. Don’t expect social media to be an after-thought and don’t pile the responsibility on someone who will only view it as yet another chore. Instead, make it part of your overall practice culture. Again, it doesn’t require a lot of time, but it doesn’t happen without making it a priority either.
Smile Savvy offers full social media set-up, management and consultation. We provide regular, original content that drives social media engagement and we help monitor your accounts. Smile Savvy also gives each of its social media customers full access to customer-only tips and tricks, webinars and one on one consulting. Let us show you how we can give your staff the training, tools and skills needed to grow your online presence. Contact us to see how we can help!