A meme I saw recently said that this year started with the death of a gorilla (Harambe), and ended with the death of a guerrilla (Castro). For better or worse, 2016 was definitely a wild ride – and I think we can all agree that we’re ready for 2017!
One constant for the world of internet marketing is that there is constant change. 2017 isn’t going to be any different. In fact, I see the pace of change quickening, and I hate to see dentists getting left behind as their patients embrace new technology faster than their practice can keep up.
Here are key trends that cutting edge dentists need to embrace for 2017:
1. Mobile first. Really this time.
Since the release of the iPhone (its been 10 years!) the march towards mobile has been relentless. In fact, most of the patients who walk into your dental practice have never seen your website on anything except their phones. Google has not only announced that your website needs to look great on mobile devices, but their changing the entire Google index to focus on website content that appears on mobile. If your website isn’t responsive, your competition has already left you in the internet stone ages.
2. Reviews (real ones) are #1
Without a doubt, online reviews are one of the most important factors people consider when searching for a medical health professional. And they’re focused on sites they know like Google, Yelp and Facebook. You can no longer rely on hundreds of great reviews from sites that your patients have never heard of, or handpicked testimonials on your website that internet savvy patients no longer trust. To successfully build reviews in 2017, you need to focus on organically sourcing positive reviews and showing incredible customer service.
3. Text over voice
Millennials love text – and they hate talking on the phone. Your patients are going to expect multiple ways to communicate with you that don’t involve talking to you. 2017 will see an increased use of Facebook Messenger to ask insurance questions, make or cancel appointments, etc. Your website will need to have an online appointment request portal, new patient forms and quick links to contact you by email. You’ll want to use text messaging as much as possible, from requesting reviews to confirming appointments.
4. Video is bigger than ever
Your 2017 online strategy needs to center on video. Facebook Live has made live, on-demand video mainstream, Instagram has increased video length from 15 second to 30 seconds and YouTube now reaches more viewers under 49 than any cable network in the U.S. Your dental practice videos don’t need to be filmed professionally and most of them don’t need to be scripted, but they need to be accessible to your audience and readily available.
5. Fresh content demands will increase
In the past, your website could rank well and stay on top by simply posting high quality content from the start – set it and forget it. Your FAQ or Dental Topics gave potential patients and search engine crawlers everything they needed. That’s not the case anymore. 2017 will see an increase in “expiring” content that’s less focused on building a lasting library of topics and instead is in-the-moment and focuses on now. Content must be new, current and relevant. This means that you’ll want to post more frequently on social media channels, your blog posts should center on recent activities and upcoming events, and videos need to be designed to be watched immediately.
Smile Savvy has your back
Internet trends change so frequently that I am constantly learning something new. Every day I read blogs, get email updates and listen to thought leaders parse through the most recent developments in online marketing. It keeps me and the Smile Savvy team on our toes.
But we’re doing the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. We want you to have time focusing on your expertise without trudging through the minutia of online marketing. I want to encourage you to subscribe to our blog, follow us on Facebook and reach out if your dental practice needs help staying current in 2017.